The scheduled integration of the Polish balancing market with European balancing markets is as follows:
Polish Plan for the Implementation of Balancing Market Reforms was divided into two stages:
Stage I - 2021
The goal of this stage is to the greatest extent possible meet all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, taking into account current external constraints, including but not limited to:
Stage II - 2022
The goal of this stage is to fulfill all remaining legal and regulatory requirements, introduction of changes to support enforcement of these requirements and improving the efficiency of the balancing market mechanism, according to requirements set in the balancing market reforms plan, including, inter alia:
Eventually, the implementation of the reforms of the Balancing Market will enable the following balancing capacity services:
The Polish balancing market is based on a central dispatch model, that means TSO is responsible for selection and dispatch of centrally dispached generation units (CDGUs). As prescribed in the Polish Implementation Plan of May 14, 2020 (pages 14 - 16) the TSO dispaches generaiton units in a manner to ensure balance between generation and demand, taking into account limitations of generation units, transmission lines and reserve requirements. This is performed using a selection optimization algorithm (called Integrated Scheduling Process), that ensures grid stability and economy.
It is
implemented in the Integrated Scheduling Process as an optimization process
selection of generating units and economic distribution of loads z
taking into account the system operation security criteria. TSO's allocation constrains are related to the fact that the responsibility of the Polish TSO for
the equilibrium in the system is extended for two market planning horizons: current day and next day market. Therefore, TSO is responsible for the job which in self-dispatch market model is transferred to the entities responsible for balancing. Therefore, PSE must ensure an appropriate level of reserves for the whole
Polish power system.
Polish TSO applies allocation limits to ensure
operational security of the Polish power system considering the required generating power for up or down regulation of power and
residual demand (residual demand is part of
end-user needs not covered by commercial agreements, i.e.
production graphics resulting from commercial contracts). The reforms of the balancing market that are currently taking place in Poland include implementation of a new mechanism for securing the required level of reserves, i.e. implementing a separate purchase process
balancing reserves before opening the gate under the mechanism
single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) - measure proposed by
ACER in the CORE CCM Methodology (Decision 02/2019 of the Agency for the Cooperation of
of the Energy Regulation of February 21, 2019 on the proposal of the TSO region
Core for the regional shape of common capacity calculation methodologies
for the day-ahead and intraday markets, pages 20-22) as one of the possible solutions to reduce the level of restrictions applied to allocation.
The implementation of the new mechanism for securing of balancing reserves, according to the plan dated May 14, 2020, shall reduce the role the allocation limits play on the market performance. It is expected, that:
Entity structure of the balancing market is to be changed as follows:
Balancing Market Participant is allowed to be both Entity Responsable for Balancing and Provider of Balancing Services, but in all cases has to meet the legal and technical requirements of the participation in Balancing Market. The owner of the instalations connected to the transmission network does not have to be Balancing Market Participant. Distinction of generators, consumers, trade has been abandoned for Balancing Market Participants however distinction for TSO (Polish: Operator Systemu Przesyłowego Elektroenergetycznego - URBBIL), DSO (Polish: Operator Systemu Dystrybucyjnego Elektroenergetycznego - URBOSD), Energy Exchanges (Polish: Giełdy Energii - URBGE) is to be conserved.
Objects structure of the balancing market is to be changed as follows:
Four types of generation modules are to be introduced:
1) Aggregated minimal power has be at least 1 MW net;
1a) aggregation can be made only on medium voltage within 110 kV node;
1b) aggregation is possible on the territory of the entire country (limited to zone, in case of zoning);
2) TSO can grant exemption from the requirement;
3) TSO can agree to aggregate;
Amendments to the Balancing Conditions 1/2020 have introduced two types of activity on the balancing market (RB) identified by the Activity Marker (Polish: Znacznik Aktywności - ZAK):
1) True for the periods when ZWP Marker was provided. Marker ZWP=1 means there is no possibility to reduce power of a Schedulling Unit in the process of balancing due to technical characteristics of this Scheduling Unit (metering, security, technological processes, supply of heat to a city, etc);
2) Allowed in justified cases, subject to consent from TSO;
3) Tests are being performed regarding possibility of participation by a single Load Scheduling Unit in balancing for Marker ZAK=1.
Exchange of information necessary for system balancing and management of system limitations is implemented through the IT system of the TSO, which consists of:
Balancing Market reforms require changes in the scope of control and regulation of generating units, such as:
Year 2023
Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of March 22, 2023 on detailed conditions for the operation of the power system, implementing the instructions of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of November 23, 217 establishing guidelines for balancing (Official Journal EU L 312 of 28.11 2017, p. 6, Official Journal of the EU L 62 of 23.02.2021, p. 24 and Official Journal of the EU L 147 of 30.05.2022, p. 27) defines the scope, conditions and manner of balancing the power system and establishing charging system for costs of imbalances.
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